Friday, July 31, 2009

My yorkie puppy has two sets of teeth is that normal ?

You might want to see the vet. He needs the baby teeth removed.

My yorkie puppy has two sets of teeth is that normal ?
You are probably seeing the adult set coming in behind the baby teeth. Does he have any chew toys on which to teethe?
Reply:It is most likely the permanent teeth coming in and your pup will eventually lose the baby teeth.
Reply:My dog had his adult teeth start showing before his baby teeth even fell out. He eventually got them out from chewing and now he only has one set.
Reply:sometimes you will see adult teeth coming in while the baby teeth are still present. If the baby teeth have not come out by 6 or 7 months of age, contact your vet, they will need to be removed.
Reply:No, I had a yorkie that had two sets of teeth and learned it was because of retained baby teeth. If he has any retained puppy teeth after 6 months of age, they should be surgically removed.

Yorkies are notorious for retaining puppy teeth, and it can lead to all sorts of bad mouth problems later in life for the dog.

To remove this, take him to a pet dentist and have them remove the teeth. For more information or if you would like to sign for my free pet newsletter (is only an option) please email me with a yes and any questions at:
Reply:Go to the vet docter... It needs to get the baby teeth removed, or else it damages the other teeth...
Reply:yes...your just seeing the top and bottem...j/'s actually one set..they are just shaped like dog has it too
Reply:puppies are like people. they lose the first set of teeth by about 6 months. Usually all the new teeth pop out the baby teeth out. Lots of chewing or "teething" is normal. In your puppies case, the larger teeth care coming in along side the baby teeth. No big deal. your vet can easily pop them out when they spay/neuter the pup. You'll want them out so the adult teeth set properly.
Reply:Hi! Sure it's normal to a point. The "puppy" teeth sometimes stick around even after the adult teeth grow in. But think about it in terms of humans. The baby teeth have to fall out in order for there to be enough room for the adult teeth to grow in and be healthy. I work at a vet clinic and often there are dogs who have jaw problems and general "mouth" problems because of retained deciduous (baby) teeth later in life. Your best bet is either taking him to the vet or the next time you're there for vaccinations ask the vet about what is best for your dog. Often they will suggest doing a dental which would involve putting your pet under anasthetic and removing the remaining puppy teeth. You can help remove the teeth by giving your puppy something firm to chew on (rawhide etc). Keep an eye out for the teeth on the floor though because they're mighty sharp and hurt to step on (trust me I know). Having "puppy" teeth in the mouth can cause adult teeth to remain in the gums and never form, or the adult teeth to not be as affective for your pet. Your best bet is to have them removed. Take some time and even just call your vet... generally even the receptionists can advise you on what to do.. atleast ours can. Best of luck!
Reply:Don,t wory, my puppy had same as yours, i to was very worry. vet said thats his baby theeth soon come out the othere set is his perment new theeth. your puppy ok.
Reply:These are called retained canines, they normally would come out by the age of say 5 months, some will still come out later on, but if left in they will bring on dental health problems such as decay, gingivitis, and throat infections that will then lead to chest infections.

I suggest a trip to the vet for removal if the groomer hasnt managed to get them out, I usually pull if they are loose, if not the vet will do it.


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