Sunday, August 2, 2009

My 12 week old puppy just chipped one of his baby incisor teeth badly, what should i do?

I looks like the root is exposed but he is showing no sign of pain. There is only a few weeks left before they fall out, do i need to be worried about infection?

My 12 week old puppy just chipped one of his baby incisor teeth badly, what should i do?
If he isn't in pain don't worry about it....its gonna fall out soon anyway.
Reply:Absolutely. Fragile areas are now exposed.

Take him to the vet.
Reply:what did he do fall on his face? jus let them fall out
Reply:I'd be more worried about it causing a cut on the pups gowl. I'd get the pup into the vets to either have it pulled out or if it doesn't need that then have what is left smooth down so it doesn't cause any injury to the pups lip!
Reply:take him to the vet
Reply:You should take him to a vet if you're worried. I wouldn't be too worried about infection, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Reply:If he is eating and functioning normally with no sign of pain, then I would just wait for them to fall out. Take him to the vet if it will make you feel better, but I personally would not worry too much. If it gets infected you will know.
Reply:Take your pet to the vet for some check up~ Veterinarians would know wat to do with your pet.
Reply:I would go to the vet and have him or her to take a look. That would be the best thing that i know of.
Reply:Take the puppy to the vet.

It could get really infected if he puts something in his mouth or something.. and well, things wont be 'pretty' if that happens...

Taking him to the vet will save him a lot of pain and serious dental problems.
Reply:Call your vet, see what they say. They might tell you not to worry since they are going to fall out anyway. If it will make you feel better call them and explain to them what happend and where it is. They will give you the best advice.
Reply:No possible way,he will be fine. Pups often chip or even knock baby teeth out with no bad results at maturity.
Reply:dogs have to be hurt beyond imagination to cry out. they are very stoic otherwise

take your dog to the vet. If the tip of a tooth was broken you ignor that, but into the gums your dog needs medical attention
Reply:If it isn't bothering him and he is eating and drinking without any pain then i would wait and it will fall out. to be sure i would call a vet and ask what he or she thinks.
Reply:One always worries about infection, but unless your pup is Clifford (The Big Red Dog) he is easy enough to pick up %26amp; check every 3 or so days. A jagged tooth would drive my tongue crazy, but I don't know how your dog is reacting to the sharp edges.

I avoid anaesthetic when I can, and if the "chip" is down to the gum-line the vet is sure to need to anaesthetise the pup before pulling the remains of the tooth. At 12 weeks old it is likely to be only days rather than weeks before the incisors shed.

This site is full of pages about canine dentition - eruption, problems, etc - with lots of clear colour photos.

Les P, owner of GSD_Friendly:

"In GSDs" as of 1967
Reply:He should be fine their baby teeth are fragile in the first place, they can easily fall out or chip. If anything gets worse then you might want to get it checked out.

family nanny

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